关键词:小子 卣金文;释读
A Study on the Inscription of Xiaozi’s You-container
Deng Fei
(Chongqing 400715)
Abstract: Xiaozi’s You-container is one of the most important bronze wares in late Shang Dynasty due to it has the longest inscription ever found from Shang Bronzes. Although scholars in the past had already done a great deal of research but, some deciphered issues are still unsolved. This paper considers
should be read as丁and refers to King Wending, instead of reading as口and form唯 with隹. The mark written under月 is a copy mark, and the word written after隹refers to a year record of major event.
refers to the name of Earl Renfang.
Keywords: bronze ware, Xiaozi’s You-container, inscription, textual explanation