主页 考古研究院 江汉考古 本期目次


发布时间:2017-03-27 09:17:42    浏览次数:899 次   



An Excavation Report on the Official Brick Kiln of Ming Dynasty in Miaoshan, Jiangxia,Wuhan

Wuhan Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology




Abstract: The official brick kiln site is located inXitanVillage, Miaoshan, Jiangxia District,WuhanCity. It is in the shape of a steamed bun, consisted of four parts, clay workshop prior firing, kiln door, fire stove and kiln chamber. From where produced large blue bricks with inscription on one side, were used in buildingNanjingCity,WuchangCityand also the mausoleum of King Chu in Longquan. The excavation shed light not only on important building materials ofNanjingCity, but also on bricks- making and transportation in Miaoshan.

Keywords: Miaoshan of Jiangxia, official brick kiln, Ming Dynasty