主页 考古研究院 江汉考古 本期目次


发布时间:2017-03-27 10:57:24    浏览次数:968 次   



An Analysis on the Southward Expansion of Xia-Shang Culture of the Central Plain from the Jade Wares of Fubin Culture in Southern Fujian and Eastern Guangdong

Shi Chuanrong

(Changsha, Hunan 418002)

Abstract: The people of Fubin Culture had occupied the southeastern coastal area of today’s Southern Fujian and Eastern Guangdong, from late Shang to early Zhou dynasties. Since the jade Zhang and Ge-dagger, frequently discovered in this region were representative of the Xia-Shang Culture of the central plain. How then did the cultural tradition expand southward is the focus of this paper, through an analysis of the foreign factors contained in jade wares of Fubin Culture.

Keywords: Fubin Culture, jade wares, Xia-Shang Civilization