主页 考古研究院 江汉考古 本期目次


发布时间:2017-03-27 15:13:36    浏览次数:740 次   



Agricultural Origins in the Perspective of Niche Construction

Pan Yan, Lu Baorong, Chen Chun

(Shanghai 200433)

Abstract: The morphological characterization of domesticated species has long been considered as the most indicative evidence of agricultural origin. However, an increasing number of archaeological and ethnographical studies have shown that some people who did not have or rely on domesticates created agroecology by actively modifying environment and intervening the life cycles of targeted species. Therefore, in addition to domesticates, a broader ecological context featured by human behavior should be more intensively explored to better understand agricultural origins. Human niche construction theory provides such a theoretical and practical framework that enables archaeologists to trace initial domestication of plants and animals.

Keywords: agricultural origin, niche construction, human behavior, domestication