主页 考古研究院 江汉考古 本期目次


发布时间:2017-03-27 14:08:20    浏览次数:562 次   



A Discussion on the variation of and the Structures, Pronunciations and Meanings of Related Characters

Zhang Feng, Tan Shengli

(Chongqing400043) (Linfen,Shanxi041004)

Abstract: Some ancient characters with phonetic element戋 have been misunderstood, due to 戋’s being abbreviated or wrongly written. However, their structure, evolution, the phonetic and semantic relationship with related characters have been clarified owing to the publishing of the bamboo manuscripts collected byShanghaiMuseumandTsinghuaUniversity. Although the variation of 戋 is easily confused with the variation of菐, 業 and带 , their origins are totally different, only similar in their shapes.

Keywords: 戋, 菐, 業, 带