主页 考古研究院 江汉考古 本期目次


发布时间:2017-03-27 14:09:28    浏览次数:771 次   



A Study on the Life Story of Mater Chao Hui and theYellowDragonTemple

Cao Zhao


Abstract: Based on historical documents and the newly unearthed inscriptions on pagoda of Master Chao Hui of Yang Wu State in the Five Dynasties time, this paper studies the life story of Master Chao Hui, including how he pursued his studies, how he founded the Yellow Dragon Temple, and how he was invited by Qin Pei to Jiangxia, the administrative center of Ezhou.  Moreover, the author also figures out that the temple was located in theYellowDragonMountain, where, today belongs toXiushui County,JiangxiProvince.

Keywords:Yang Wu State in the Five Dynasties time, Master Chao Hui, life story, the Yellow Dragon Temple