主页 考古研究院 江汉考古 本期目次


发布时间:2016-08-18 15:22:45    浏览次数:730 次   



A Brief Discussion on the Owners of Tomb No. 3 in Laoguanshan Site ofChengduand Tomb No.2 of Shuangbaoshan Site of Mianyang

Liu Xiangyu, Xie Tao

(Chengdu, Sichuan 610071)

Abstract: Both of Tomb No. 3 in Laoguanshan Site of Chengdu and Tomb No.2 of Shuangbaoshan Site of Mianyang play an important role in term of wooden coffins from Western Han tombs in Sichuan. The inscription of “弓“on lacquer wares of the former and the proto-porcelains unearthed from the latter indicate their owners related to migrants from Chu Region. The lacquer figurings excavated from them, were oftenly used in traditional Chinese Medicine, which provides evident to support the hypothsis as relics ofBianqueSchool.

Keywords: Laoguanshan Site, Shuangbaoshan Site,BianqueSchool, tombs of immigrants