主页 考古研究院 江汉考古 本期目次


发布时间:2017-03-27 16:49:49    浏览次数:636 次   



A Study on the Yong Bell Unearthed from Wanfunao Site,Yichang,Hubei

Huang Wenxin, Liu Fangchao

(Wuhan,Hubei430077) (Yichang,Hubei443000)

Abstract: Based on an analysis of the shape, structure and characteristics of the Yong Bell unearthed from Wanfunao Site in Yichang, as well as published documents of some similar bells, this paper studies focus on dating of bell’s casting and the inscription.

Keywords: Wanfunao Site, the Yong Bell, casting time, inscription