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上海广富林遗址2012年南京大学发掘区良渚文化时期墓葬 发掘简报

发布时间:2017-03-27 16:17:25    浏览次数:665 次   



A Preliminary Report on the Tombs of Liangzhu Culture in the 2012 Excavation Area ofNanjingUniversityin Guangfulin Site,Shanghai

Department of Archaeological Research,ShanghaiMuseum

(Shanghai, 201306)

History Department,NanjingUniversity


Department of Archaeology and Museology, School of History and Culture,HenanUniversity


Abstract: The united excavation of Guangfulin Site was held byShanghaiMuseum,NanjingUniversityand other departments in 2012, among which ten tombs of Liangzhu Culture were discovered in the excavation area ofNanjingUniversity.  All of them are vertical-and-earthen-pit tombs, most of the burial goods unearthed from which are potteries, with a small quantity of jade and stone wares. Through a study on the location of tomb’s roof, combination of burial goods and the evolution of typical pottery wares, the report dated different burial times, three of early period, one of  middle period, four of late period, another two are unclear due to being damaged by ditches of later time.  They are all located on high soil sets, indicating the custom of burying the dead in high places. The excavation offers latest data for studying the funeral custom of Liangzhu Culture.

Keywords: Guangfulin Site, Liangzhu Culture, tomb