主页 考古研究院 江汉考古 本期目次


发布时间:2016-08-18 14:42:55    浏览次数:600 次   



Intra-tooth Oxygen Isotopic Analysis: a New Method to Appraoch Animal Seasonality

Dong Ningning

(Cambridge, UK CB1 1DX)

Abstract: The oxygen isotope composition of animal bones is determined by the season of birth and habitat of animal individuals. Sequential sampling of tooth enamel can provide chronological order of 18O change in animals’ body tissues and thus cast light upon animals’ seasonality, including seasonal birth, short-term mobility, foddering strategy and so forth. This paper introduces the methodology of oxygen isotope analysis by presenting examples from both western academic frontier and the author’s study on Danebury Hillfort in south England. The application of oxygen isotpe analysis is further evaluated in the context of Chinese archaeology.

Keywords: Oxygen stable isotope, seasonality, intra-tooth sequential sampling, zooarchaeology