主页 考古研究院 江汉考古 本期目次


发布时间:2016-08-18 14:38:39    浏览次数:613 次   

摘要:2011年4~8月,镇江博物馆在金家湾墓地共清理六朝至明代墓葬30余座。本文主要介绍了7座保存稍好的六朝至唐代墓葬, 其中南朝墓葬M28为夫妻合葬墓,在镇江地区南朝墓中少见,丰富了本区域南朝墓葬资料;唐墓M6出土的黄釉绞胎碗,为唐代绞胎瓷器在镇江地区的流通提供了实物资料。


A Preliminary Excavation Report on the Tombs of Six Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties in Jinjiawan Cemetery, Zhenjiang

Department of Cultural Relics and Museology, Fudan University

(Shanghai 200433)

Zhenjiang Museum

(Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212002)

Abstract: More than thirty tombs dated from the Six Dynasties period to Ming Dynasty in Jinjiawan Cemetery were excavated by Zhenjiang Museum, from April to August of 2011. This paper focuses on seven well-preserved tombs, in which Tomb No.M28 is a joint tomb of a husband and his wife that is rare for that time, enriching the burial data of Southern dynasties in the Zhenjiang area. The yellow glazed carved bowl of Tang Dynasty unearthed from Tomb No.M6 provides material data in studying the circulation of the carved porcelains in Zhenjiang area of that time.

Keywords: Jinjiawan Cemetery, Six Dynasties, Tang Dynasty, tombs, excavation