主页 考古研究院 江汉考古 本期目次


发布时间:2016-08-18 15:58:35    浏览次数:696 次   



A Preliminary Excavation Report on Daxi Site of Shang-zhou Time in Wushan

Chongqing Cultural Heritage Research Institute

(Chongqing, 400013)

Wushan Administration for Cultural Relics

(Wushan, Chongqing 404700)

Abstract: The remains of Shang-zhou Time excavated from Daxi Site from 2000 to 2002 could be divided into three phases, and Ba Culture was dominant in the first and second phases, while Chu Culture replaced it in the third phase. The remains offer latest data for studying the relationship between the Ba and the Chu culture.

Keywords: Daxi Site, the Three Gorges Achaeology, Ba Culture, Chu Culture