主页 考古研究院 江汉考古 本期目次


发布时间:2016-08-18 15:42:33    浏览次数:709 次   



A Correct Annotation on Shi Tuo石沱in Bronze Inscriptions of Eastern Zhou

Huang Jinqian

(Kaifeng, Henan 475001)

Abstract: Based on a correct annotation of Zhong Mi Jin Ding’s name, the character 橐 in 橐沱, this paper agrees with the hypothesis that 石沱 refers to 橐沱, previously suggested by Zhang Shichao. The camel-shaped lamp holder excavated from Tomb No.2 of Wangshan Site of Jiangling, indicates that the Chu people were already aware of the existence of camels. With a re-discussion on 橐, the disputation on 石沱 has also been resolved.  Moreover, through this explanation the structure and evolution of arrow holder, 箙 or 圅, also became clear.

Keywords: 石沱, Zhong Mi Jin’s Ding, 橐沱, 橐驼