主页 考古研究院 江汉考古 本期目次


发布时间:2016-08-18 11:45:07    浏览次数:784 次   



The Source of the Human-Beast Pattern Bronze Tree Discovered in Yanyuan

Li Shuai

ChengduSichuan  610064

Abstract: The human-beast patterned bronze tree was the product of north and south cultural integration in the Yanyuan District. It can be divided into two motifs, the “sacred tree” and the “one person with two horses”. The motif of “one person with two horses” is related to the belief of the Double-horses God, while the motif of “sacred tree” and the “beast standing on a tree” originated from the Chu Culture, in which Shu has played an intermediary role in the process of the Chu Culture spreading west. The human-beast-colored and copper-tree-shaped antique appears in Yanyuan District is not only because of the interactions between the Zuo, Shu and Chu People, but this is also the result of the special ecological environment and natural landscape of the region.

Keywords: Human-beast pattern bronze tree; Yanyuan bronze culture; the westward spread of Chu Culture; Zuo People