主页 考古研究院 江汉考古 本期目次

有陶与无陶:时间早晚还是空间差异? ——简论岭南新石器时代早期文化

发布时间:2016-08-18 16:07:44    浏览次数:681 次   



Pottery Wares Discovered or Not: A Difference of Time or Space?

------ A Preliminary Study on the Early Neolithic Culture in Lingnan Area

Chen Weiju

(Changchun, Jilin 130012)

Abstract: Based on a re-analysis on the dating of archaeological sites from 20,000 years ago to 10,000 years ago in Lingnan (the south of the Five Ridges) Area, this paper suggests the discovery of vessels were dependent on the site’s location, rather than the date of the site. According to the regional differences of stone and bone tools and flora remains, the sites are divided into two types, the northern type and the southern type. Pottery wares, stone or bone shovels are more commonly found in the northern type sites, and these artifacts are very rare in the southern type sites, owing to the differences of livelihood between them.

Keywords: Lingnan Area, early Neolithic time, chronology, pottery ware, livelihood