主页 考古研究院 江汉考古 本期目次


发布时间:2016-08-18 16:14:28    浏览次数:682 次   



A Brief Discussion on the Early History and Living Areas of Ba People

Zhao Bingqing

(Kaifeng, Henan 475001)

Abstract: Ba People lived in the border area of Huaxia Region during Pre-Qin Period. Their history and occupational regions are not fully understood due to the lack of historical records. This paper discusses the likely origin of the Ba People as derived from intermarriage between the native people who lived in today’s northwestern Hubei and the ancient Eastern Yi people who moved into the area. During Xia and early Shang period, they occupied the Danyang Area, which is today’s southwestern Henan and northwestern Hubei. By the middle and late Shang period, they continued moving westward, to reside in the upper reaches of Han River, and created the Baoshan Culture. Between the Shang and Zhou dynasties, a part of the Ba People moved with the Shu People to today’s Baoji, and established the Yu State. After joining the army of King Wu and conquering King Zhou of Shang, they were granted a new Ba State under the Surname Ji in their place of origin in the Huaxia region.

Keywords: Ba People, Baoshan Culture, Yu State